
Software Quality Assurance (also abbre­viated as SQA), can be defined as a systematic process which ensures that the developed software meets and complies with the standardized quality speci­fi­ca­tions. It keenly checks the adherence to the software product standards, proce­dures and processes all throughout the software development life cycle and also the test cycle. The evalu­ation is done through product evalu­ation, process monitoring, project management, and more. Read more

Software appli­cation devel­opers have to focus on security testing crucially in today’s web world, since more and more people everyday have integrated Internet and software into their daily life. Whether it is mobile, computer software, monitoring system or even airplane, every­thing requires software to perform their rudimentary functions. Although most of your software users may not know much about software security, it is absolutely necessary for you to perform software security testing as a software provider in order to protect your software, as well as your clients, from illegal malicious activ­ities by hackers and pranksters.
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The answer to the question why it’s essential to create high-quality software is logical and under­standable for all parties of the development process.
Obviously, any customer wants to get a high-quality software product that meets all the estab­lished require­ments, is possibly cheaper and delivered at the allocated time, so as to prevent future mainte­nance costs, problem search, errors, etc. On the other hand, software devel­opers are seeking to perform their work on time and with maximum quality, in order to reduce their costs for the warranty period. Therefore, both parties of the software development process pursue at least two identical objec­tives: to deliver the software product on time and to achieve the highest possible quality of software. Read more