Rough Estimation

We kindly offer you to make a free rough estimation of your software project
Regardless of the complexity of the project, professional software project development requires a two-stage cost assessment:

The first stage is a preliminary assessment, a rough estimation in other words.

The second — a detailed assessment. Typically, the first phase determines whether it’s worth proceeding with a detailed one one.

Rough Estimation is carried out in following Steps:
  1. Contact us
  2. Deciding on Tech Stack
  3. Drawing component diagram
  4. Expert group meetings
  5. Detailed estimates for each parts
  6. Follow-up questions
  7. Costs are multiplied by a factor of 2 or 3

The time required for a preliminary evaluation is between a few minutes and 2–4 hours for an experienced team of developers who already have experience with similar projects or have previously worked with identical technologies.

For the evaluation, a group of experts is put together to discuss the project topic on the basis of the underlying basic information and their own experience and intuition. Preliminary time and resource plans are also drawn up.

We will be happy to assist you!

Intechcore offers you a preliminary project evaluation free of charge. The only thing you need to do is contact us via contact form or phone
+49 89 215 30 60–0.

Contact Us

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