Entries by en-user

Offshore vs. Nearshore IT-Outsourcing

Companies can choose to meet their IT require­ments by outsourcing these needs to nearshore or offshore locations. Their decision is usually based on several factors, including proximity to the business location, cost compar­isons and language or cultural consid­er­a­tions. For a deep compar­ative analysis of offshore vs. nearshore IT-outsourcing, it is vital to first under­stand the […]

Types Of Software Licenses And Their Functionality

A software license is a legal contract, which specifies the terms of use and the redis­tri­b­ution of the software. Apart from the public domain software, all other software is copyright protected. A typical software license defines the rights and imposes restric­tions on the end users. These licenses also define different liabil­ities and respon­si­bil­ities of the […]


Project Management Software – Some Basic Information

Project management software has been around for a long time now, and they currently accom­plish much more than just managing projects. These types of appli­ca­tions are designed to additionally carry out resource allocation and control, sched­uling, commu­ni­cation, documen­tation and admin­is­tration, among a host of other functions. There are many popular appli­cation packages, mid-range as well […]

When Do You Need IT Outsourcing?

Outsourcing is a term which refers to allocation of particular business-related proce­dures to a specialized provider of external services. It is challenging for a company to handle every single procedure of business inter­nally. An external provider would be a signif­icant help conducting the business activ­ities, as well as maintaining the assets of the company. The […]

A Detailed Glimpse of The Legal Aspects of Software Development

As a seasoned or upcoming programmer, it is imper­ative for you to have a firm grasp of some of the major legal aspects of software development and what they mean to the software industry. When it comes to knowing the extent of your intel­lectual property rights, ignorance is inexcusable. I have run out of fingers […]


5 Common Problems in Software Development

While devel­oping a software platform, every company faces some problems throughout daily opera­tions. While some problems in software development can be complex and inter­de­pendent, others are easy to handle. In this post, we will discuss some of the most common problems you might experience during the software development lifecycle.

Benefits of Using Customized Document Management System

Document Management Systems offer numerous benefits and have a wide scope in modern business enter­prises. In the last few years, every­thing has been digitalized. Thus, a customized document management system ensures you’re able to manage, organize and edit your documents. In addition to this, you can also track changes and keep records.

Easy Tips For Successful IT Outsourcing

IT Outsourcing is a multi­billion dollar industry and it has been growing rapidly in the last 10 years or so. Outsourcing has become a highly popular option for many IT companies worldwide and there are a number of reasons why they do so. The most common reason for outsourcing is that it is a cost […]

Advan­tages You Can Enjoy with Remote IT Consulting

Every business needs that extra push that is going to make it successful in the long run. Thus, here comes the need for proper Remote IT Consulting. There are many different kinds of IT consulting, and you should choose the right one according to your business needs and wants like project management, data backup and […]

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Custom Software

Most businesses and organi­za­tions will typically use some form of software during their life cycle. The type of software used depends on the needs of the business or organi­zation. Although the software can be bought ‘off-the-shelf’, there are many benefits associated with choosing custom software for your business.